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Skills & Careers

We get it. We’ve been where you are!

Ready for a career in the vibrant festivals and events industry of Australia’s Festival State, but don’t know where to start?

If creating joy and enriching the lives of our diverse and vibrant communities through shared festival experiences is your jam, then we’re your biggest cheerleaders on this exciting career journey!

Festivals celebrate, support, and empower the Australian arts and creative industries to thrive by creating platforms for innovation, development, and connection. With numerous world-renowned festivals taking place in South Australia throughout the year, our industry actively seeks new professionals and fresh talent eager to make a difference.

And yet, you might find yourself with some common questions, like – how do people kickstart their career in festivals, and what opportunities are available? What roles are out there, and how would I get my foot in the door? What qualifications would I need, and where do I get them?

Explore Our Resources

Take advantage of our comprehensive resources to find out more about getting involved in the festival and events industry.

Download our 2024 Careers Guide to delve into the diverse skill pathways that lead into the many roles that make up this dynamic sector.

Gain inspiration from our curated career profiles that detail the trajectories of some of our industry’s stalwarts.

Explore our Jobs Board to discover roles being advertised today.

Join our Professional Network for exclusive industry events that help you to grow your network, access career support and mentorship opportunities, and stay connected to your industry peak body for tailored insights.