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Our events are an extension of the advocacy and industry development work that we do. While some are open to the wider community, others bring together only our AMPLIFY and LEAD members.

Join us to connect with the industry and add your voice to the collective.

Festival City ADL organises several events throughout the year that are designed to amplify advocacy and collaboration among the industry. From informal networking opportunities to Policy Summits, our events are tailored to ensure that all levels of the sector are involved and connected. Festival City ADL LEAD members get exclusive insights, access, and/or discounts on registrations.


Leadership Breakfasts

The Leadership Breakfast series is part of the Festival City ADL annual program of events, which seek to amplify a collective vision about Adelaide as Australia’s Festival Capital across government.

These exclusive breakfast events feature an in-depth and moderated discussion, with a special guest, that:
- fosters thought leadership about Adelaide as a Festival City,
- promotes collaboration and unified policy,
- informs government about the opportunities and challenges facing the festival sector and its adjacent industries,
unlock new ways that industry and government can work together to achieve improved outcomes.

Attendance is complimentary and by invitation only for our LEAD Members, who take active part in the conversation and Q&A about the current needs of the sector and evolving policy and business landscape.

Festival Forums

The Festival Forum is a bi-monthly platform for the senior executives and strategic partners of the festival industry to come together and share strategic and operational updates, address challenges, and exchange ideas about emerging opportunities.

The objectives of the Festival Forum are to:
- promote greater dialogue between festival businesses,
- connect to government and agencies as a united industry,
- exchange information, intel, and ideas,
- explore and shape advocacy priorities,
- identify and pursue joint solutions to common problems,
- provide feedback to Festival City Adelaide.

Attendance is complimentary and by invitation only for our AMPLIFY and LEAD Members.

Festival Boards Function

This annual event is an opportunity for the board directors of our member festival organisations to come together for a strategic and governance conversation about the industry in South Australia. It also brings together the strategic partners, key government stakeholders, and senior executives of our major festivals and events.

The objectives of this event include to:
- facilitate strategic and governance discussions among board directors of member festival organizations.
- enhance collaboration and engagement among strategic partners, key government stakeholders, and senior executives from major festivals and events.
- provide a platform for the board of directors to discuss industry-specific issues and opportunities in South Australia.
- foster networking and relationship-building among the board directors, strategic partners, and senior executives.
- promote knowledge sharing and insights to benefit the strategic decision-making of the board of directors in the festival sector.

This event is exclusive to our LEAD Members.

Festival Policy Summit

The South Australian Festival Policy Summit aims to achieve several key objectives. Firstly, it seeks to encourage elevated involvement and cooperation between governmental bodies and essential contributors to the festival and events sector during its annual April gathering. Emphasising the importance of advocacy and effective communication, the summit serves as a dynamic platform for discussions regarding advancements in the industry, fostering innovation and progression. Furthermore, it seeks to nurture a shared commitment to crucial policy priorities within the industry, contributing to the overall growth and sustainability of the sector. Lastly, the summit endeavours to provide a conducive environment for networking and the establishment of valuable relationships among industry participants.

This is a ticketed event, with priority registration for Festival City ADL members and strategic partners.

Chairs Roundtable

The Chairs Roundtable is a bi-annual opportunity for the chairs of our festival boards to network, exchange ideas, and discuss strategy.

Festival City Adelaide works to ensure that the policy and business conditions in South Australia are conducive to its festival sector thriving, leading, and achieving its impact goals. The collective vision is for Adelaide to be nationally and internationally recognised as Australia’s Festival Capital, delivering the world’s best festival experience.

The FCA Chairs Roundtable offers us all the opportunity to hear about the objectives we seek to realise, impacts we create, challenges we experience, and how our peak body can support.

This series is exclusively for the chairs of our LEAD members.

FCA Working Groups

The Festival City ADL Working Groups centre around time and matter sensitive issues that require focused attention and input from industry representatives. In the past this has included topics of volunteer management, workforce and skills, marketing, business development & philanthropy, and climate action.

The objectives of the Working Groups are to:
- increase collaboration and knowledge-sharing at the operational level,
- provide input to FCA strategies and strategic partnership projects,
- undertake joint initiatives, short and long term (where appropriate),
- provide feedback to Festival City Adelaide.

The Working Groups are by invitation only for our FCA members.

F:B Connect

How can we further connect businesses, city precincts, and regions to our year round festival calendar? What challenges create barriers to trialling and/or leveraging fresh opportunities? Which collaborations or ideas are worth expanding or evolving?

Festivals:Business Connect is an event series that brings together Adelaide's businesses and festivals to examine how to amplify cooperation and mutual benefit. These events are supported by the Adelaide Economic Development Agency (AEDA).


From our End of Year celebration to bimonthly social dinners, Festival City ADL offers collegiate opportunities to connect with other industry peers. Enjoy festival outings and a friendly atmosphere to engage, tap back in to good energy, and make new friends.