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Australian Aboriginal culture is the longest continuing culture in the world. South Australia has a long and enduring Aboriginal history and ever evolving Aboriginal traditions. South Australia is home to over 30 Aboriginal language groups, each with distinct beliefs, cultural practices and languages. Artistic and cultural expression is vital to Aboriginal communities and the work of Aboriginal artists, communities and leaders – especially those that came before – has been invaluable in supporting and developing the South Australian arts and culture sector.
The government’s Arts and Culture Plan South Australia 2019-2024 called for all South Australians ‘to champion Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts and culture’. Flowing from this was the development of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Strategy for South Australia, at the very centre of which is the notion of a culturally safe South Australian arts sector that supports Aboriginal artists, cultural practitioners and arts workers to thrive and be ambitious.
The Attorney-General’s Department is the South Australian Government’s lead agency on Aboriginal affairs, providing engagement, support and advice for Aboriginal people and government. While Arts South Australia is responsible for the government’s Aboriginal arts and cultures strategies and programs.